Main Naibor has a total of 7 luxury tents, all carefully positioned amongst the trees so that each can enjoy the surrounding woodland in complete privacy.
Each tent is a private unit complete with shady verandah, ‘his-and-hers’ wash basins, en-suite bathroom with flush toilet, and safari shower.

Based on the bend of the Talek river, Main Naibor offers spectacular views across the plains of the Mara. Its special river overlook allows hours to be spent observing the resident pod of hippo, as they wallow in the nearby waters.

  • En-suite bathrooms with safari showers and flush toilets
  • Private dining
  • Solar-powered lighting for evenings
  • Dedicated team of staff
  • Dedicated game drive vehicle for Little Naibor
  • Private river overlook with fire circle and seating
  • Suite rooms inter-joined by a communal lounge and dining area

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